"Future Shock", 40 years later....and more moderate predictions for 2011.
The book "Future Shock" , written by Alvin Toffler was released for publishing 40 years ago this month (in 1970). The main thesis of the book is that millions of otherwise psychologically normal people will experience an abrupt collision with the future. Regularly educated citizens will fall victim to the disease of "change". Unable to keep up with the supercharged pace of technological and social change, many people will become disconnected and suffer from "shattering stress and disorientation". A docudrama by Orson Wells in 1972 (see it on YouTube here ) outlined the book in dramatic fashion, as only Orson Wells could do. I watched the video again the other day and remembered seeing it back when I was a kid and being concerned about "Future Shock" . It was funny watching it again and seeing the things they predicted for the future. Some things they got right...they predicted big things for the "computer". No mention of "...