Price Quote Automation
Price Quote Automation "As technology advances, it reverses the characteristics of every situation again and again. The age of automation is going to be the age of 'do it yourself.'" -Marshall McLuhan It's common for companies to develop taglines or slogans to convey a message or an image to potential clients. A tagline that our company uses to convey the message we want our potential clients to receive about our services is the term "data automation" . We use the term data automation because it best describes our services. With just a few clicks, users are able to upload and convert that data into infographics used to convey the location, severity, and trends of contamination at their site. We do this by creating graphs, tables, maps, charts, contour maps, and other images in a matter of seconds. A while back a client called me and asked for a sampling cost proposal he needed for a competitive bid he was preparing...