Price Quote Automation
Price Quote Automation
"As technology advances, it reverses the characteristics of
every situation again and again. The age of automation is going
to be the age of 'do it yourself.'" -Marshall McLuhan
It's common for companies to develop taglines or slogans to convey a message or an image to potential clients. A tagline that our company uses to convey the message we want our potential clients to receive about our services is the term"data automation". We use the term data automation because it best describes our services. With just a few clicks, users are able to upload and convert that data into infographics used to convey the location, severity, and trends of contamination at their site. We do this by creating graphs, tables, maps, charts, contour maps, and other images in a matter of seconds.
A while back a client called meand asked for a sampling cost proposal he needed for a competitive bid he was preparing (If you don't know, we do both sampling and software). He needed the quote relatively quickly and he needed it in writing. I happened to be traveling at the time with a pretty tight schedule and was wondering how I was going to be able to prepare this quote in the time he needed it. That's when it occurred to me that preparing a quote wasn't much different than what we are already doing with our data automation process. So I put one of our programmers to task creating a page that would automate the proposal quote process. I had to come up with all the variables and algorithms, which already existed in an Excel spreadsheet I used to create cost quotes; I simply made a few adjustments to the spreadsheet and sent that to the programmer.
After couple of iterations back and forth and some modifications and testing, we are now happy to announce the rollout of our QuikQuote form. It's easy to use - you simply fill out eleven fields of information regarding the site you want sampled. If you have the information in front of you when you fill out the form, this task should take you only a minute or two. Once the information is been entered, you hit submit, and a cost quote will be returned to you in a matter of seconds. At this point, your cost quote is anonymous unless you determine you like the price and you want to identify yourself and obtain official documentation. To do that you simply enter your name, company name, e-mail, and phone number at the bottom of the quote and a PDF copy of the cost quote along with other quote particulars will be promptly emailed to you. After that, to initiate the work, simply contact me with the quote number and we will provide a work schedule within 24 hours.
Our hope for this QuikQuote system is that it will automate the quoting process for both us and our potential clients. We're also hoping that it will become obvious to potential clients that they can get their sampling and reporting work done at a fraction of what they're currently paying now. If we are doing the sampling, the use of our data automation and reporting software is included for free.
Substantial discounts for clients with multiple sites, large sites with 40 or more wells, or long-term contracts will also be offered above and beyond the quoted price using the QuikQuote system.
If you're interested in seeing how much money you are currently wasting, go to our QuikQuote page and take a minute to obtain a quote. The process is completely anonymous, unless you decide to proceed with the work.
We look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve cost efficiency in your business.
- Russell Schindler
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