Is Next Year a Copy and Paste Year?

Is Next Year a Copy and Paste Year?

The Internet produces new business 
models and also reinvents traditional
business models. - Marc Ostrofsky

If you're a Manager of anything, it's the time of the where you start thinking about what you're going to do next year. You more than likely have to put together a budget for next year. You'll have to come up with strategy and then justify that strategy. For many, it's mandated by corporate policy or by your boss. Many people, will simply copy and paste from what they did last year and adjust the numbers slightly for this year.

If you're one of the people that simply copies and pastes from last year's budget and strategy to next year's budget and strategy, you may be doing yourself a disservice. It could be that continuing with the "status quo" means you are missing out on opportunities that may have developed since last year. We live in innovative times, with the advent of new technologies, new fancy software and new business models, it could be the "copy and paste" is costing you money. This year, a simple change in strategy could have a significant effect on your bottom line. 

If you're an Environmental Manager of any kind, either at an oil company, manufacturing company or a consulting engineering company, spend a few minutes to consider different business models and different technologies.

If your company collects environmental samples, there's an easy
way to tell if a different strategy can save you money. You simply answer 11 easy questions regarding any site you want sampled using our quikquote page at If you have the information in front of you when you fill out the form, this task should take you only a minute or two. 

Once the 11 simple questions have been answered, you simply hit the submit button, and a cost quote will be returned to you in about 4-seconds. You'll now know whether you're overspending or not and you can proceed from there.

At this point, your cost quote is anonymous unless you decide you like the price and you want to continue and obtain the official quote documentation in print. To do that you simply enter 4 more items; your name, company name, e-mail, and phone number. Once that's done, a PDF copy of the cost quote along with other quote particulars will be emailed to you in about 6 - 8 seconds 
(yea, we use fancy software). 

After that, to initiate the work, simply contact with the quote number at the top of the PDF and we will provide you a work schedule within 24-hours and you'll look like a cost-saving genius.

As far as technologies, our automated reporting process, which is included for free when we do the sampling, will further save you a ton of money on your report preparation costs. Its data, automating data is easy with our fancy software. We've been doing it for years. How much do you spend on report preparation? Wouldn't you like to save most of that?

Happy planning, happy budgeting, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Russell Schindler


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